Hôtel les 4 Ours


Chargement ...

Hôtel les 4 Ours

Station de PIAU ENGALY
65170 ARAGNOUET, France

Tél : 0562407800
Fax : 0562391370
hotel (at) les4ours (dot) com

Latitude : 42.783782
Longitude : 0.158572

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In  the heart of the Pyrenees, at 2600m of altitude, Piau Engaly is next to the Pyrenees National Park and Spain

Coming to the hotel by car

The highway the closest to the hotel is the A64.

Arriving from Toulouse take exit 16 to join the D929

If coming from Bordeaux or Bayonne exit 15 to join the D929

Follow the D929 until Arreau and Saint Lary Soulan

Follow Aragnouet / Piau Engaly

When you arrive at the resort, the hotel is on your left.

Private parking is available at the rear of the hotel.